Ancora oggi, che siamo
nell’era dell’informatica, il disegnare a mano libera è per me lo strumento più immediato ed efficace
per memorizzare, comprendere, misurare, giudicare, progettare, costruire
un’idea. Provo grande piacere e
divertimento nel sviluppare le mie idee sulla carta, sentire la sua
consistenza, sporcarmi le mani con l’inchiostro dei pennarelli e usare le
matite colorate.
In fondo il disegnare a
mono libera è sempre stata la forma di comunicazione grafica più naturale e
immediata, è il momento iniziale del processo creativo, indispensabile per dare
forma a un’idea ed è l’unico disegno autografo del Designer.
Testo by Antonella Scarpitta
Even today, in the computer era, the freehand drawing is for me the most immediate and effective way to memorize, understand, measure, judge, plan, build an idea. I feel great pleasure and fun in developing my ideas on paper, feeling its texture, getting my hands dirty with ink and using colored pencils. After all, draw freehand has always been the most natural and immediate form of graphic communication. It is the starting point of the creative process, which is essential to give shape to an idea and it is the only signed drawing by the designer.
Text by Antonella Scarpitta
Even today, in the computer era, the freehand drawing is for me the most immediate and effective way to memorize, understand, measure, judge, plan, build an idea. I feel great pleasure and fun in developing my ideas on paper, feeling its texture, getting my hands dirty with ink and using colored pencils. After all, draw freehand has always been the most natural and immediate form of graphic communication. It is the starting point of the creative process, which is essential to give shape to an idea and it is the only signed drawing by the designer.
Text by Antonella Scarpitta
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